imam Ali quotes

1. "There is enough light for one who wants to see".
2. "A wise man relies on his efforts and a fool relies on his hopes"
3. "if you knew the importance of Adab ( good manners ). You would pray Allah for more Adab,          instead of more ( material ) wealth".
4. "He who is deserted by friends and relatives will often find help and sympathy from strangers".
5. Words pierce deeper than a Sword.
6. Learn your religion do not inherit it.
7. Whoever acts rudely, his Goal becomes difficult.
8. The truth might be bitter, but its outcome is sweet; falsehood appears to be sweet, but it is poisonous in its essence.
9. Joy is followed by tears.
10. Silence will create respect and dignity, justice and fair play will bring more friends, generosity and charity will enhance prestige and position, courtesy will draw benevolence, service of mankind will secure leadership, and good words will overcome powerful enemies.
11. A strong person is one who subdues his pleasures.
12. The wiser a man is, the less talkative he will be.
13. One who considers to be more becomes less.
14. The moment you start arguing with an ignorant fool, you have already lost.
15. Leave alone what does not concern you, and leave alone what does not belong to you.
16. Many quote knowledge, but few not it in mind.
17. Wise, is the one who does not harm others.
18. A bad deed which you regret in your heart is a thousand times better than the good deed that makes you feel proud.
19. Forgiveness is the proof of intelligence.
20. He who is ignorant of something tries to find faults in it.
21. Smile, even if your heart is dripping blood.
22. A wise man first thinks and then speaks, but a fool speaks first and then thinks.
23. Life consists of two days, one for you and one against you. So when it is for you don't be proud or reckless, and when it's against you be patient, for both days are tests for you.
24.  Remain silent until you are requested to speak, for that is better than speaking until you are requested to become silent.
25. It is never the value of water; but the thirst, it is never the value of life; but death. And it is never about the friendship but trust.
26. Your cheerfulness shows the generosity of your soul.
27. If you tell the truth, it becomes a part of your past. If you lie, it becomes a part of your future.
28. The wise is alert, the negligent is sleepy.
29. Be sure that there is something waiting for you after much patience, to astonish you to a degree that you forget the bitterness of pain.
30. Not to have a thing is less humiliating than to beg it.
31. Do not disappoint the one whose hope lies in you.
32. The value of every person is found in what he is best at.
33. I believe in Allah like  I believe in the sun; not because I see it, but because of it, I see everything.
34. Take no small sin lightly, for mountains are made up of sands.
35. Hou honorable is knowledge, that the one who does not have it says he does, and how dishonorable is ignorance, that the one who has it says he does not.
36. A body will not become weak where the intention is strong.
37. Struggling against vain desires is the price of paradise.
38. Evil does never think well of anyone because they see others in their own nature.
39. Be obscure and do not attempt to be famous, do not elevate yourself in order to be remembered. Learn and conceal, find safety in silence, you will please the righteous people and you will outrage the wicked.
40.The best deed of a great man is to forgive and forget.
41. Authority, power or wealth do not change a man; they only reveal him.
42. Beware of apprehension, for it kills hope, weakens actions, and brings about worry.
43. The most excellent generosity is self-sacrifice.
44. Prefer to be one who is defeated while being just, rather than one who triumphs while being unjust.
46. Do not be sorry about anything in this world that you have been denied.
49. The one who acts without haste is either successful or close to success.
50. Everyone has an end, it may be pleasant or sorrowful.
51. Perhaps it's the remedy that brought the sickness, and perhaps the sickness turned into a remedy. For sickness might be the cure.
52. Eyesight is useless if the insight is blind.
53. Be like the flower that gives its fragrance even to the hand that crushes it.
54. The most intelligent person is the most modest one.
55. The word of Allah is the medicine of the heart.
56. Fill your heart with love, kindness, and mercy.
57.Seek and you shall find.
58. Do not hate what you do not know, for the greater part of knowledge consists of what you do not know.
59. Do not surround yourself with those who love this world, for if you become needy they will leave you and if you become wealthy, they will envy you.
60. Fear is linked to failure.
61. Excess of silence produces awe.
62. Days are the pages of your lifetime so bind them with your best deeds.
63. Whoever takes care of the orphans, his children will be cared for.
64. people are hostile towards what they do not know or cannot understand.
65. Overlook and forgive the weaknesses of the generous people because if they fall down Allah will help them.
66. Body is purified by water, self (Nafs) is purified by tears, intellect is purified by knowledge, and the soul is purified with love.

Ramadan everyday Duas

Queens of Islam

Queens of Islam : the Duaa of the first day of Ramadan 

 In Arabic: 

الله اجعل صيامي فيه صيام الصائمين
وقيامي فيه قيام القائمين
ونبهني فيه عن نومة الغافلين 
وهب لي جرمي فيه يا اله العالمين
واعف عني يا عافيا عن المجرمين

⇒ In English: 

Lord! make my fast in it one of those who truly fast, my Prayers those of who truly pray, and awaken me from the sleep of the inattentive, grant me forgiveness of my sins in it, O one who forgives criminals.

 The Duaa of the 2nd day of Ramadan

The Duaa of the 3rd Day of Ramadan

    The Duaa of the 4rth Day of Ramadan 

       The Dua of the 5th Day of Ramadan 

     The Duaa of the 6th Day of Ramadan 

     The Duaa of the 7th Day of Ramadan 

     The Duaa of the 8th Day of Ramadan 

The Duaa of the 9th Day of Ramadan 

The Duaa of the 10th Day of Ramadan 

The Duaa of the 11th Day of Ramadan 

The Duaa of the 12th Day of Ramadan 

The Duaa of the 13th Day of Ramadan 

The Duaa of the 14th Day of Ramadan 

The Duaa of the 15th Day of Ramadan 

The Duaa of the 16th Day of Ramadan 

The Duaa of the 17th Day of Ramadan 

Add caption
The Duaa of the 18th Day of Ramadan

The Duaa of the 19th Day of Ramadan 

The Duaa of the 20th Day of Ramadan 

The Duaa of the 21th Day of Ramadan 

The Duaa of the 22th Day of Ramadan 

The Duaa of the 23th Day of Ramadan 

The Duaa of the 24th Day of Ramadan 

The Duaa of the 25th Day of Ramadan 

The Duaa of the 26th Day of Ramadan 

The Duaa of the 27th Day of Ramadan 

The Duaa of the 28th Day of Ramadan 

The Duaa of the 29th Day of Ramadan 

 In Arabic: 

اللهم اجعل صيامي فيه بالشكر والقبول
 على ما ترضاه ويرضاه الرسول 
محكمة فروعه بالاصول
 بحق سيدنا محمد واله الطاهرين
. والحمد لله رب العالمين

⇒ In English: 

Lord! make my fast in it a mean to thanking you and to accepting what you accept and what the Messenger (p b u h ) accepts, its branches perfected through its principles, by the right of our Master Muhammad and his pure Progeny, and all praise belongs to Allah, Lord of worlds.

Duas when seeing the moon of Ramadan

A Queen's story

In "A Queen's story" we explore with the beauty of piety and high character of Queens in their life and how they deal with difficulties with strong faith .

Islam is the Queens world that every woman dream of , giving her all her rights , the care and protection  she deserves ,living in the highest status that paradise is beneath her feet .
welcome between us ,live as a Queen , as you are :)

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Modesty Is What Makes You Beautiful !!!